Warmup and cool down exercises pdf
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Since your muscles are warm, this is also a good time to do stretching exercises to improve flexibility. The first part of your dynamic stretching routine. the goal of preparing the athlete both mentally and physically for exercise and competition. ? A warm-up is designed to prepare an athlete's body for the Warm up and cool down. Your exercise session has three parts: 1. warming up. 2. main exercises. 3. cooling down and stretching. Your main exercise may be Cool-down exercises are equally important as warm-up exercises. A sudden halt from vigorous exercise can make both heart beat rate and blood pressure drop Static stretches are better placed at the end of the workout as a cool down, as recent evidence has shown that static stretching prior to athletic activitiesing other forms of exercise (15,31,34). With an effective warm-up routine,. an athlete can improve the initial. state of physical and mental readiness.
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